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Marion Midy was born in France. Although she trained as an interior designer and acquired quite a prestige in the profession, in 2008 she gave in to her passion for creative art. Her storytelling through paintings and collages has a distinctive affinity to classical surrealism but is suffused with warmth and a view of modernity through the window of sense of faith in mankind. Her works are held in private collections in Europe, the USA and Morocco.

"Marion Midy’s works have a spiritual and emotional dimension and her collages, her principal form of choice, are eminently suitable to display and bring together disparate parts of our society. Images of hope stand side-by-side with death, suffering entwines beauty, redemption grants innocence. These images that the artist calls ‘stolen’ from daily life, show a modern world, almost baroque in the way it fascinates and highlights contrasts.
Women are omnipresent in Midy’s paintings, epitomizing the eternal Eve, both a symbol and a slave of our modernity but also a pivotal cipher for life itself.Midy’s collages are indeed a perfect mirror-image of our emotions."


Yann Kerlau

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